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Abstract Submission

Please read the guidelines below.


Deadline for abstract submission – November 27th, 2023 *extended!

1. The general formatting requirements for the one-page abstract are as follows:
- Page size: Letter (8.5” x 11”)
- Margins: 1” around
- Font: Arial size 10 or 12 point
- Single line spacing
- Language and Spelling: English (United Kingdom)
- Digital file format: .doc or .docx

2. The abstract should not include figures, tables, and references.

3. The abstract should be submitted using the template provided:

Title: limited to 25 words /two rows, bold, left justified.

Name of Author(s): The name(s) of individual author, should be written with the surname first <space> initials in uppercase should be set without spaces. The individual authors should be separated using a comma. The name of the presenting author should be in bold.

The email of the corresponding author should be included as indicated in the template <corresponding author: name@institution.domain>


Author Affiliation: Author affiliation should in italics and left justified. Please use superscripted numbering of authors if authors have different affiliations. Affiliations should be on a separate line and numbered with the same superscript number used for the respective authors. The superscript numbers should be positioned at the end of each name of the author and at the beginning of each affiliation.


Body of the abstract: It should be written in a structured format under the following headings, according to the template, limit 300 words, single line spacing;
- Background and aims
- Methods
- Results
- Conclusions

Keywords: Please provide 4-6 keywords.

Acknowledgement: Acknowledgement should be in italics and left-justified. If necessary, please include the grants received (grant number should be in parentheses) or other support information for your research in a maximum of two sentences at the end of the abstract.

4. Abstracts should be checked for its content carefully and submitted in clear English with accurate grammar and spelling.

5. Submission:


 The file should be named as first author´s last name and first name initial_redoxba2023, for example: GillisS_redoxba2023.

One of the author should send the abstract´s word file to  by November 27th, 2023 *extended

You will receive a confirmation email of your submission.

After revision, mode of presentation will be decided based on the reviewer comments and you will receive an acceptance email with the presentation instructions (Poster or Flash Talk).

Please contact if you have any question.

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